What do you need help with?

  • What do I need to do to delete all databases?

    After uninstalling rekordbox, delete the rekordbox folder saved to the below locations.





    Note that the Windows AppData folder and the macOS Library folder may be hidden. For instructions on how to display hidden files, contact the publisher of the operating system that you are using.


  • How do I uninstall rekordbox?

    For Mac:

    Move the installed rekordbox folder located in the Application folder to the Trash folder.

    For Windows:

    Select the [Start] menu and then [All Programs] > [Pioneer] > [rekordbox 3.x.x] and then select Uninstall rekordbox from that folder.

    The "4.x.x" indicates the version of rekordbox currently installed.


    Even if you uninstall rekordbox, activated Plus Pack will not be deactivated.

    When you already activated Plus Pack, we recommend you to deactivate Plus Pack first, and then uninstall rekordbox.

    If you uninstall rekordbox before deactivation of Plus Pack, please install rekordbox again to deactivate Plus Pack.


  • How can I install Windows 64-bit audio driver?

    1. Launch Windows 64-bit version of rekordbox.
    2. [Preferences] > [Audio] > [Audio] and click the [Driver] button.  The folder which includes audio driver installers will open.
    3. Double click the one for your product to install it.


  • What is a Pioneer DJ account?

    One free account that gets you into everything Pioneer DJ.

    Access PioneerDJ.com, rekordbox, and the Pioneer DJ forums from one account.

    For more details, please click here.


    1. Pioneer DJ account is required to use rekordbox.
    2. Please refer to the [rekordbox introduction] for installation.
