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With Mobile Library Sync you can sync your rekordbox library when your computers and mobile devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
This helps you to seamlessly prepare tracks for DJing. For example, you can use your computer at home while using a mobile device on the move.
To watch the Mobile Library Sync tutorial video, click here.
You can use Cloud Library Sync to sync your library on the cloud with the libraries on your computers and mobile devices.
Upload tracks and videos to the cloud, then you can play them on other devices as well.
For example, you can seamlessly use the same library on the computer you use for music production and the laptop you use for DJing. You can also prepare tracks for DJing using a mobile device when you're on the move.
Here are the differences depending on the plan you chose to use.
You can upload and sync up to 10 tracks that can be added to the [Trial playlist - Cloud Library Sync], which is a playlist for sync.
Please note: The entire library will not be synchronized.
The entire library will be synchronized.
You can select individual playlists and tracks to then upload them to the cloud.
This will depend on the Dropbox plan and the Google plan you're using for storage capacity when uploading files.
The entire library will be synchronized.
You can either select individual playlists and tracks to upload to the cloud, or automatically upload all your files.
You can also automatically upload up to 5 TB worth of files on your Dropbox account.
The entire library can be synchronized if you add the Cloud Option to the Free plan, Core plan, or Creative plan.
You can make selections by playlist and track, and upload them to the cloud.
You can also automatically upload up to 1 TB worth of files on your Dropbox account.
To find out more information, watch the Cloud Library Sync tutorial video, click here.
[Trial playlist - Cloud Library Sync] is a dedicated playlist for sync that is available for the free and Core plans.
This is created automatically when you start using Cloud Library Sync.
You can add up to 10 tracks to the [Trial playlist - Cloud Library Sync]. When you add a track, it will be automatically uploaded to the cloud storage.
If you turn on the Collection Auto Upload feature, any files in your collection will be automatically uploaded to the cloud via the Cloud Library Sync feature.
To use this feature, you'll need to subscribe to the Professional plan or Cloud Option. .
If you turn on Auto Upload for a playlist, any files in the playlist will be automatically uploaded to the cloud via Cloud Library Sync.
The Auto Upload settings can be changed for each playlist.
To use this feature, you'll need to subscribe to the Professional, Creative plan or Cloud Option. .
The following cloud storage services are supported.
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
When logged in to both Dropbox and Google Drive, you can choose only one cloud storage service to upload your tracks to. (You can download tracks from either cloud storage)
You can change the settings from [Settings] > [Account Information] > [Cloud Storage Services] of rekordbox for iOS/Android.
To use the Cloud Library Sync feature, you will need the following.
*You can try up to 10 tracks even while you are not subscribed to the above plans.
Login with any of the following accounts is required.
For a detailed description on how to use Cloud Library Sync, refer to the Cloud Library Sync Operation Guide in the Manuals page.
You can switch your Dropbox account in:
rekordbox for Mac/Windows: [CLOUD] tab on My Page
rekordbox for iOS/Android: [Settings] > [Account Information] > [Cloud Storage Services]
When you switch your Dropbox account, the changes will be applied to all versions of rekordbox for Mac/Windows/iOS/Android logged in with the same AlphaTheta account.
Please note that you won't be able to play tracks from the cloud storage of the previous Dropbox account because they're deleted from the local Dropbox folder.
You can change Google accounts from [Settings] > [Account Information] > [Cloud Storage Services] of rekordbox for iOS.
If you are using rekordbox for iOS on several devices, log in to each device using a Google account you want to change.
If you are using Google Drive on Cloud Library Sync of rekordbox for Mac/Windows, log in again using a Google account you want to change on rekordbox for Mac/Windows.
You don't need to install the Dropbox app for use with rekordbox for iOS.
However, rekordbox for Mac/Windows requires the installation of the Dropbox desktop application.
No. You do not need to install the Google Drive app.
You can use it by logging in to your Google account.
Check if any of the following applies:
- Devices are logged into different AlphaTheta accounts.
Use the same AlphaTheta account on all your devices.
You can check which AlphaTheta account you're using on each device as follows:
rekordbox for Mac/Windows: MY PAGE
rekordbox for iOS: [Settings] > [Account Information]
- Cloud Library Sync is turned off.
rekordbox for Mac/Windows: On MY PAGE, open the [CLOUD] tab and turn on [Sync library to another device].
rekordbox for iOS: Open [Settings] > [Account Information] and turn on [Cloud Library Sync].
- You're using LINK EXPORT mode.
Libraries can't be synced when you're using LINK EXPORT mode.
When you finish using LINK EXPORT mode, the library will resume syncing.
If the tracks in your playlist aren't on the PC/Mac or mobile device you're using, they won't upload to the cloud.
Instead, upload the track from the PC/Mac or mobile device where it's stored.
If your version of rekordbox for iOS / Android doesn't support Auto Upload, it won't be enabled and the playlist will work in the usual way.
Please update rekordbox for iOS / Android to the latest version to enable Auto Upload.
You will see download errors when: