How to cancel your rekordbox Plus Pack subscription
Step 1: Request login information
Enter the e-mail address you used to subscribe to rekordbox dj here. Enter the Captcha information, then click Send data.
If you ordered multiple products with the email address that you entered, the following window appears.
You can request the information regarding your most recent order or the information about all products that you ordered.
If most recent order is the subscription that you are going to cancel, please select "Information regarding your most recent order”.
Otherwise, select "Information regarding all user accounts".
You will receive an email just like an example as shown below at the email address you entered.
If you request "Information regarding all user accounts", you will receive one email per user account. Each user account corresponds to each product you have ordered.
If the product name and date listed in the email are "rekordbox dj subscription" you wish to cancel, click the link in the email to reset your password (1).
To cancel your subscription order, please log in "MyCommerce ID" page (2). You need to set a password to log in "MyCommerce ID" page.
Click “Log in”.
Step 2: Log in
Log in here using the user ID and password you chose in Step 1.
Step 3: Cancel subscription
Select the order you wish to cancel.
Click Manage subscription.
Click Cancel subscription.
Your subscription has been cancelled.