
rekordbox pour iOS/Android prend désormais Google Drive cloud storage pour Cloud Library Sync
Nous avons mis à jour notre application DJ rekordbox pour iOS/Android, qui est désormais compatible avec le service de stockage sur cloud Google Drive quand vous utilisez la fonction Cloud Library Sync.
Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement la dernière version de rekordbox pour iOS/Android sur l'App Store ou sur Google Play.
rekordbox for iOS/Android est une application DJ qui vous permet de mixer où vous voulez, quand vous voulez, simplement à partir d’un smartphone ou d’une tablette.
With Cloud Library Sync, you can save playlists, Hot Cues, and other information to the cloud and seamlessly link everything with your library in rekordbox for Mac/Windows. You can also directly play with tracks stored in the cloud using CloudDirectPlay compatible DJ equipment such as the CDJ-3000 or OMNIS-DUO.
Support for Dropbox will continue, and now you can also choose to use Google Drive with rekordbox for iOS/Android.
Cloud Library Sync is available with a Creative or Professional plan subscription at rekordbox, or by adding the Cloud Option to another plan.
You can also sync up to 10 tracks and use the Cloud Library Sync feature with Free plan.
Download rekordbox for iOS/Android and start enjoying a smart DJ workflow that works with Google Drive.