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DJ equipment linkage
  • Which of the DJ equipment are compatible with rekordbox CloudDirectPlay?

    You can use rekordbox CloudDirectPlay with the following compatible DJ equipment:

    • CDJ-3000
    • XDJ-AZ

    (As of October 2024)



  • How do I log in to TIDAL with my DJ equipment?

    You can automatically log in to TIDAL by connecting a USB storage device or SD memory card created on rekordbox for CloudDirectPlay authentication to your DJ equipment and logging in to rekordbox CloudDirectPlay.

    * As of rekordbox ver. 7.0.6, login to TIDAL has been changed to a Single Sign On method. With the Single Sign On method, if you log in to TIDAL on rekordbox in advance, you do not need to enter your login account and password for TIDAL on the DJ equipment.



  • My USB storage device or SD card was already authenticated with another AlphaTheta account in rekordbox CloudDirectPlay so I can’t authenticate it. What should I do?

    If your USB storage device or SD card is authenticated with another AlphaTheta account, you'll need to cancel the authentication using one of the following methods.

    1. If you have multiple accounts: Switch the account to the account that authenticated the device, then cancel the authentication.
    2. If the account belongs to someone else: Ask the person to cancel the authentication.
    3. Back up the contents of the USB storage device or SD card, then format it.



  • What do I need to start using rekordbox CloudDirectPlay?

    You will need the following listed below:

    • An authentication device (USB storage device or SD memory card) .
    • A subscription for the Creative, Professional plan, or Cloud Option.
    •  rekordbox for Mac / Windows (ver. 6.8.0 or later).
    •  Cloud Library Sync turned on.
    •  A Dropbox account, logged in.

    Refer to the "rekordbox CloudDirectPlay Operation Guide" on the Manuals page for how to use rekordbox CloudDirectPlay.


  • What is the Cloud Analysis?

    Cloud Analysis is a service that shortens track analysis time by downloading analyzed information (BPM, BEAT GRID, waveforms, and vocal position) of tracks from the server provided by AlphaTheta.



  • What do I need to use Cloud Analysis on DJ equipment?

    To use Cloud Analysis on DJ equipment, you must prepare the following environment and settings.

    • Network connection environment
    • rekordbox for Mac/Windows ver. 6.6.1 or later.
    • Authentication device (USB storage device or SD memory card)



  • Which DJ equipment is compatible with Cloud Analysis?

    Cloud Analysis is compatible with the following DJ equipment.

    • CDJ-3000 (firmware version 3.11 or later)

    (As of October 2023)





  • What is rekordbox CloudDirectPlay?

    rekordbox CloudDirectPlay enables you to play tracks from the latest version of your rekordbox library – directly from the cloud – when using Compatible DJ equipment.

    Refer to the "rekordbox CloudDirectPlay Operation Guide" on the Manuals page for how to use rekordbox CloudDirectPlay.

    Note: Free plan and Core plan users can use up to 10 tracks that can be added to the [Trial playlist - Cloud Library Sync].



  • Is there anything else that’s not available in the Free and Core plans?

    The following functionalities of DJ equipment that supports rekordbox CloudDirectPlay can't be used with the Free and Core plans.

    • Search using MY TAG in the Track Filter editing screen of the DJ equipment.
    • Syncing playlists converted from the Tag List on the DJ equipment with rekordbox library.
    • Syncing of the DJ equipment's HISTORY with rekordbox library.



  • I’ve started rekordbox CloudDirectPlay, however sometimes tracks are not appearing on the browse screen and I can’t seem to load tracks. Why is this?

    There are 3 possible causes to this issue, as follows:

    1. Cloud Sync is incomplete
      If the Cloud Library Sync between rekordbox and the library in the cloud hasn't finished, the track won't be displayed on the browse screen. Wait for the sync to finish, then the track should display.
    2. The track hasn't been uploaded to Dropbox
      Only tracks that you've uploaded to Dropbox will be displayed on the browse screen.
      If the upload isn't complete, the track can't be loaded.
      Upload the tracks you want to use to Dropbox beforehand, then use them once the upload is complete.
      You can upload with rekordbox.
    3. Impact of Dropbox maintenance or failure
      When Dropbox is undergoing maintenance or experiencing problems, tracks can't be loaded. Try again when Dropbox is back online.
      You can check the status of these issues on the Dropbox website.
      For details, see dropbox.com.



  • How do I use rekordbox CloudDirectPlay?

    Refer to the "rekordbox CloudDirectPlay Operation Guide" on the Manuals page for how to use rekordbox CloudDirectPlay.


  • I turned on the ON/OFF switch to the right of [Use rekordbox CloudDirectPlay], but the authentication button didn’t appear. Why not?

    It may take some time for the authentication button to appear, depending on the number of tracks in your rekordbox library.

    See the examples below as a rough guide.

    • 1,000 tracks: about 1 minute.
    • 10,000 tracks: about 5 minutes.

    In addition, the authentication button may not be displayed if you are not connected to the Internet.

    After connecting to the Internet, reopen Devices of TreeView.

