There's a problem in the system. Please wait a while and try again.

After you cancel your subscription, you can continue to use your current plan until the date which would have been your next billing date, but you won’t be able to sign up for another plan until that date. If you’d like to change to another plan instead, please return to the plan page and select another plan.

Please fill out the following questionnaire when making changes or cancellations. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The results of the survey will be handled in a manner that does not identify you personally, and will not be used for any other purpose than to improve and enhance rekordbox products and services in the future.

Current plan


Next billing date


Please tell us how frequently you DJ from the past to today. (in the Past) [You can skip this question.]

Please tell us how frequently will you DJ from today onwards. (in the Future) [You can skip this question.]

What are your thoughts about using the website? [You can skip this question.]

How do you feel about the price of the subscription plan? [You can skip this question.]

What are your thoughts about the performance-speed of rekordbox DJ software? [You can skip this question.]

How do you feel about the functionality of rekordbox DJ software When performing? [You can skip this question.]

Please give us your feedback regarding the setting up procedure and ease of using various functions in rekordbox? [You can skip this question.]

Would you want to recommend rekordbox to your friends and acquaintances? [You can skip this question.]

Please tell us the reason for changing or canceling the plan. [120 characters or less. You can leave it blank.]

If you sign up again after canceling, you'll be charged the latest price. Are you sure you want to cancel?

Your current plan


Your current price

Latest price